Displaying Decision 40351 - 40380 of 42665 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
DA/00312/2013 Unreported
IA/03063/2013 Unreported
OA/13970/2012 Unreported
VA/24934/2012 & VA24935/2012 Unreported
OA/16038/2012 & OA16039/2012 Unreported
AA/01891/2013 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 465 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Naeem (Para 120A of Appendix A)
IA/06935/2013 Unreported
OA/16451/2012 Unreported
AA/02152/2013 Unreported
IA/08993/2012 & IA/08994/2012 Unreported
IA/11481/2013 Unreported
OA/19897/2010 Unreported
OA/15860/2012 Unreported
OA/06834/2012 & OA02498/2012 & OA06826/2012 Unreported
IA/00188/2013 Unreported
IA/04321/2013 Unreported
IA/02552/2013 & IA/02555/2013 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 464 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Samir Boukhatem) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (FCJR)
[2013] UKUT 439 Reported Albania
Case title: Deliallisi (British citizen: deprivation appeal: Scope)
AA/04237/2013 Unreported
VA/24216/2012 Unreported
AA/00993/2013 Unreported
DA/00110/2013 Unreported
IA/01782/2013 Unreported
DA/00203/2013 Unreported
VA/07430/2012 Unreported
OA/16421/2012 Unreported
DA/01016/2012 Unreported
IA/22137/2012 & IA/22143/2012 Unreported
Displaying Decision 40351 - 40380 of 42665 in total (most recent first)