Displaying Decision 40861 - 40890 of 42442 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
IA/18997/2012 Unreported /utiac/ia-18997-2012
IA/21402/2012 Unreported /utiac/ia-21402-2012
[2013] UKUT 292 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: ST (Child asylum seekers)
[2013] UKUT 308 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R on the application of Zonzi v Secretary of State for the Home Department (FCJR)
[2013] UKUT 565 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of YK) v Birmingham City Council (AAJR)
[2013] UKUT 270 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: AZ (Asylum-‘legacy’ cases)
[2013] UKUT 255 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of MR) v Derby City Council (AAJR)
[2013] UKUT 256 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of SO) v London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (AAJR)
[2013] UKUT 307 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R on the application of RK v Birmingham City Council (AAJR)
[2013] UKUT 254 Reported Jamaica
Case title: Green (Article 8 – new rules)
[2013] UKUT 198 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: NN (Teachers: Matabeleland/Bulawayo: risk)
[2013] UKUT 253 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: MJ (Singh v Belgium : Tanveer Ahmed unaffected)
[2013] UKUT 179 Reported India
Case title: Singh (fee award: ancillary decision)
[2013] UKUT 197 Reported Iran
Case title: Azimi-Moayed and others (decisions affecting children; onward appeals)
[2013] UKUT 196 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Zubair (EEA regs: self-employed persons)
[2013] UKUT 341 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R on the application of KS v Secretary of State for the Home Department (FCJR)
[2013] UKUT 62 Reported The Gambia
Case title: K and others (FGM) (CG)
[2013] UKUT 145 Reported China
Case title: JL (medical reports-credibility)
[2013] UKUT 148 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: DSG & Others (Afghan Sikhs: departure from CG)
[2013] UKUT 178 Reported France
Case title: Seye (Chen children; employment)
[2013] UKUT 63 Reported Algeria
Case title: OO (gay men: risk)
[2013] UKUT 177 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of MK) v Wolverhampton City Council (AAJR)
[2013] UKUT 146 Reported Jamaica
Case title: Farquharson (removal – proof of conduct)
[2013] UKUT 147 Reported Jamaica
Case title: Campbell (exclusion; Zambrano)
[2013] UKUT 144 Reported India
Case title: Syed (curtailment of leave – notice)
[2013] UKUT 122 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of JS) v Birmingham City Council (AAJR)
[2013] UKUT 121 Reported Turkey
Case title: Dasdemir (1972 Rules – self-employment)
[2013] UKUT 86 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Mamour) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (FCJR)
[2013] UKUT 89 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Ahmed (Amos; Zambrano; reg 15A(3)(c) 2006 EEA Regs)
[2013] UKUT 88 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: Mundeba (s.55 and para 297(i)(f))
Displaying Decision 40861 - 40890 of 42442 in total (most recent first)