Displaying Decision 41401 - 41430 of 41920 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2004] UKIAT 81 Reported Kosovo
Case title: FM (IFA, Mixed marriage, Albanian, Ashkaelian)
[2004] UKIAT 82 Reported Russia/Russian Federation
Case title: OK (Russia, Exercise, Article 8)
[2004] UKIAT 80 Reported Somalia
Case title: A (Benadiri, Findings of Fact, Somaliland)
[2004] UKIAT 79 Reported Albania
Case title: KM (Article 8, Family life)
[2004] UKIAT 100 Reported Uganda
Case title: VN (Rebel activity: no background evidence)
[2004] UKIAT 72 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: CI-B (Link to Mobutu)
[2004] UKIAT 73 Reported Somalia
Case title: SN (1999 Act, Article 8)
[2004] UKIAT 74 Reported Ethiopia
Case title: RW (Eritrean, Nationality, Citizenship, Residence)
[2004] UKIAT 71 Reported Somalia
Case title: IJ (Article 3, Return, Country and individual circumstances)
[2004] UKIAT 69 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: PN (Article 8, Adults, Proportionality, Delay)
[2004] UKIAT 67 Reported Mongolia
Case title: GB (Risk, Return, Detention, Illegal departure)
[2004] UKIAT 68 Reported Iraq
Case title: ZK (Country expert, Partisan)
[2004] UKIAT 66 Reported Turkey
Case title: HG (Conduct of previous solicitor, Procedure)
[2004] UKIAT 64 Reported Uganda
Case title: MS (Article 8, Family life, Dependency, Proportionality)
[2004] UKIAT 62 Reported Somalia
Case title: HI (Transfer order, Adjournment, Interests of justice)
[2004] UKIAT 63 Reported Kyrgyzstan
Case title: MK (Risk, Political opinion)
[2004] UKIAT 65 Reported Somalia
Case title: FA (Procedure, Fairness)
[2004] UKIAT 60 Reported Turkey
Case title: IR (Proper finding)
[2004] UKIAT 59 Reported Albania
Case title: DM (Sufficiency of protection, PSG, Women, Domestic violence)
[2004] UKIAT 58 Reported Serbia and Montenegro
Case title: XH (Article 8, Role of HOPO)
[2004] UKIAT 54 Reported Rwanda
Case title: GK (Young female, Risk on return)
[2004] UKIAT 55 Reported Nigeria
Case title: OB (Immigration, Student, Change of circumstances)
[2004] UKIAT 56 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: SR (Credibility, Fact finding)
[2004] UKIAT 57 Reported India
Case title: SM (Working, Holidaymakers, Age)
[2004] UKIAT 51 Reported Croatia
Case title: HD (Long unlawful residence, Proportionality)
[2004] UKIAT 53 Reported Kenya
Case title: SN (Medical and corroborative evidence, Credibility, Article 3)
[2004] UKIAT 50 Reported Turkey
Case title: EA (GBTS info, Speculative reasons)
[2004] UKIAT 52 Reported Turkey
Case title: ST (Cessation, Medical treatment)
[2004] UKIAT 49 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: VV (Risk on return, Country information)
[2004] UKIAT 75 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: EM (Tutsi, Common threshold of risk)
Displaying Decision 41401 - 41430 of 41920 in total (most recent first)