Displaying Decision 42391 - 42420 of 43501 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2007] UKAIT 59 Reported Eritrea
Case title: MA (Draft evaders, illegal departures, risk)
[2007] UKAIT 55 Reported Colombia
Case title: BM and AL (352D(iv), meaning of “family unit”)
[2007] UKAIT 48 Reported India
Case title: AP and FP (Citizens Directive Article 3(2), discretion, dependance)
[2007] UKAIT 49 Reported Algeria
Case title: FD (EEA discretion, basis of appeal)
[2007] UKAIT 52 Reported Pakistan
Case title: MI (Paragraph 298(iii), independant life)
[2007] UKAIT 53 Reported Nigeria
Case title: BO (Domestic worker, connection with sponsor)
[2007] UKAIT 54 Reported Eritrea
Case title: YI (Previous claims, fingerprint match, EURODAC)
[2007] UKAIT 56 Reported China
Case title: GC (Citizens Directive, UK national’s spouse)
[2007] UKAIT 50 Reported Gambia
Case title: JJ and SS (Student, regular attendance, which course?)
[2007] UKAIT 51 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: NM (“leading an independent life”)
[2007] UKAIT 45 Reported Uzbekistan
Case title: OM (Returning citizens, minorities, religion)
[2007] UKAIT 47 Reported Cameroon
Case title: FK (SDF member/activist, risk)
[2007] UKAIT 44 Reported Serbia and Montenegro
Case title: KL (Article 8, Lekstaka, delay, near-misses)
[2007] UKAIT 42 Reported Jamaica
Case title: VW ("Extension", curtailment of leave)
[2007] UKAIT 43 Reported Ghana
Case title: DA (Section 3c , meaning and effect)
[2007] UKAIT 40 Reported Zambia
Case title: MM (Article 8 - Family life, Dependancy)
[2007] UKAIT 46 Reported Iraq
Case title: NS (Iraq, perceived collaborator, relocation)
[2007] UKAIT 63 Reported Ethiopia
Case title: GB (Family visitor , "half brother" included)
[2007] UKAIT 38 Reported Sierra Leone
Case title: FK and MK (EEA Regulations, “Descendants”: meaning)
[2007] UKAIT 36 Reported Iraq
Case title: HH (Rule 23, meaning and extent)
[2007] UKAIT 41 Reported Kenya
Case title: FK (FGM, Risk and relocation)
[2007] UKAIT 37 Reported Bangladesh
Case title: SZ (Applicable immigration rules)
[2007] UKAIT 30 Reported Ethiopia
Case title: MB (OLF and MTA, risk)
[2007] UKAIT 33 Reported India
Case title: AG (Working holidaymaker:, ‘incidental')
[2007] UKAIT 32 Reported Azerbaijan
Case title: EA (Azerbaijan male, Armenian ethnicity , risk)
[2008] UKAIT 5 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: LQ (Age: immutable characteristic)
[2007] UKAIT 23 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: MM (UDPS members , Risk on return)
[2007] UKAIT 28 Reported Somalia
Case title: MK (Adequacy of maintenance, disabled sponsor)
[2007] UKAIT 25 Reported Jamaica
Case title: TK (Immigration Rules, Policy, Article 8)
[2007] UKAIT 35 Reported Iran
Case title: BE (Disobedience to orders, landmines)
Displaying Decision 42391 - 42420 of 43501 in total (most recent first)