Displaying Decision 32671 - 32700 of 42719 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
IA/28047/2013 & IA/28036/2013 Unreported
AA/07248/2014 Unreported
IA/32842/2014 Unreported
IA/23929/2014 Unreported
IA/06234/2012 Unreported
IA/39029/2013 Unreported
IA/50916/2013 Unreported
IA/00978/2015 Unreported
IA/10979/2014 Unreported
OA/08677/2014 Unreported
IA/39523/2014 Unreported
AA/08612/2013 Unreported
IA/42812/2013 Unreported
OA/01609/2014 Unreported
IA/41528/2014 Unreported
IA/50916/2013 Unreported
IA/46607/2014 Unreported
OA/01654/2013 Unreported
IA/10731/2014 & ors Unreported
OA/17801/2013 Unreported
IA/23015/2014 Unreported
VA/05452/2014 Unreported
OA/21556/2013 Unreported
IA/28426/2014 Unreported
AA/11151/2014 Unreported
VA/17683/2013 Unreported
AA/09869/2014 & AA/09870/2014 Unreported
IA/07686/2014 & IA/07538/2014 Unreported
IA/39428/2014 Unreported
[2015] UKUT 536 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of SA) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (human rights challenges: correct approach) (IJR)
Displaying Decision 32671 - 32700 of 42719 in total (most recent first)