Displaying Decision 33871 - 33900 of 42152 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
IA/01243/2014 & IA/01245/2014 Unreported
IA/13485/2014 Unreported
IA/32313/2014 Unreported
IA/40359/2013 & IA/42868/2013 Unreported
IA/25943/2012 Unreported
IA/52919/2013 Unreported
OA/06069/2014 & Ors. Unreported
IA/52941/2013 Unreported
IA/49626/2013 Unreported
OA/08673/2013 Unreported
OA/09203/2013 Unreported
OA/17468/2013 Unreported
OA/20002/2013 Unreported
[2015] UKUT 224 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Mushtaq) v Entry Clearance Officer of Islamabad, Pakistan (ECO – procedural fairness)( IJR)
AA/07288/2013 Unreported
IA/11531/2014 Unreported
IA/28295/2014 Unreported
OA/05224/2014 Unreported
IA/15375/2014 & Ors. Unreported
OA/16557/2013 Unreported
OA/22201/2013 & OA/22218/2013 Unreported
IA/18657/2014 Unreported
IA/38436/2013 & Ors. Unreported
IA/48776/2013 Unreported
OA/20550/2013 & OA/20551/2013 Unreported
IA/10587/2011 Unreported
IA/46789/2013 Unreported
AA/06381/2014 & AA/06069/2014 Unreported
IA/53429/2013 Unreported
[2015] UKUT 166 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Vidales) v Secretary of State for the Home Department) (IJR)
Displaying Decision 33871 - 33900 of 42152 in total (most recent first)