Displaying Decision 34561 - 34590 of 42137 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
DA/00368/2014 Unreported
DA/00512/2014 & DA/00511/2014 Unreported
DA/00624/2014 Unreported
DA/00746/2014 Unreported
IA/01546/2014 Unreported
IA/07201/2014 Unreported
IA/08344/2014 Unreported
IA/15779/2014 Unreported
IA/23538/2014 & ors Unreported
IA/40510/2013 Unreported
IA/11495/2014 Unreported
IA/41536/2013 Unreported
IA/12900/2013 Unreported
IA/26055/2014 Unreported
IA/27647/2014 Unreported
IA/37769/2013 Unreported
IA/27963/2013 Unreported
IA/47646/2014 Unreported
IA/52385/2013 Unreported
[2015] UKUT 42 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: Bossadi (paragraph 276ADE; suitability; ties)
[2015] UKUT 58 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Mehmood Ahmed Raja) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (IJR)
[2015] UKFTT 59 Reported Peru
Case title: Cancino (costs – First-tier Tribunal – new powers)
VA/14962/2013 Unreported
AA/00590/2014 Unreported
AA/06013/2014 Unreported
AA/06084/2014 Unreported
DA/00352/2014 Unreported
IA/10424/2014 Unreported
DA/00452/2014 Unreported
IA/00110/2014 Unreported
Displaying Decision 34561 - 34590 of 42137 in total (most recent first)