Displaying Decision 40141 - 40170 of 42100 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
IA010102013 Unreported
IA133492012 Unreported
OA101462012 & OA101542012 Unreported
IA019352013 Unreported
IA012702012 & IA012712012 Unreported
AA085662011 Unreported
IA022312013 Unreported
AA012472012 Unreported
IA015952013 Unreported
OA179842012 & OA179852012 Unreported
IA008932013 & IA015682013 Unreported
OA087102012 Unreported
IA034872013 Unreported
AA094612012 Unreported
AA052942012 Unreported
IA010512013 Unreported
AA015392013 Unreported
AA113552012 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 344 Reported India
Case title: Kaur (Patel fairness: respondent’s policy)
AA007512013 Unreported
AA011242011 Unreported
IA1804062012 & IA184072012 Unreported
IA232152012 Unreported
IA021042013 Unreported
IA232872012 & IA232862012 & IA232882012 Unreported
IA265132011 Unreported
IA268102012 & ors Unreported
OA209152011 Unreported
IA009142013 Unreported
IA015332013 Unreported
Displaying Decision 40141 - 40170 of 42100 in total (most recent first)