Displaying Decision 40711 - 40740 of 42100 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2011] UKUT 161 Reported Bangladesh
Case title: Molla (established presence - date of application)
[2011] UKUT 151 Reported Bangladesh
Case title: Thakur (PBS decision – common law fairness)
[2011] UKUT 188 Reported South Africa
Case title: SP (allowed appeal directions)
[2011] UKUT 122 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Mushtaq (clarity of judge's decision)
[2011] UKUT 123 Reported Ghana
Case title: Adubiri-Gyimah and others (Post-study work - Listed institution)
[2011] UKUT 98 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: EM and others (Returnees)
[2011] UKUT 118 Reported Pakistan
Case title: SI (variation/curtailment:human rights ground)
[2011] UKUT 55 Reported Nigeria
Case title: EN (Continuity of residence - family member)
[2011] UKUT 120 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: Aleem (Pankina-Uplift for overseas earnings)
[2010] UKUT 449 Reported Bangladesh
Case title: MR and Others (EEA extended family members)
[2011] UKUT 121 Reported Jamaica
Case title: CHH (Notices Regulations - right of appeal-leave to remain)
[2011] UKUT 35 Reported India
Case title: GS (Article 3 - health exceptionality)
[2011] UKUT 92 Reported Korea
Case title: KK and others (Nationality: North Korea)
[2011] UKUT 89 Reported Turkey
Case title: PM (EEA - spouse - "residing with")
[2011] UKUT 119 Reported Jamaica
Case title: VB (Student-attendance and progress not equated)
[2011] UKUT 54 Reported Somalia
Case title: AM (Evidence - route of return)
[2011] UKUT 53 Reported Nepal
Case title: CT (Gurkhas:policy)
[2011] UKUT 41 Reported Iran
Case title: SA (Iranian Arabs-no general risk)
[2011] UKUT 36 Reported Iran
Case title: BA (Demonstrators in Britain - risk on return)
[2011] UKUT 117 Reported Nepal
Case title: KG (Gurkhas;overage dependants ;policy)
[2011] UKUT 52 Reported India
Case title: JA (revocation of registration - Secretary of State's policy)
[2011] UKUT 32 Reported China
Case title: YF (double jeopardy - JC confirmed)
[2011] UKUT 31 Reported Pakistan
Case title: AW (sufficiency of protection)
[2011] UKUT 30 Reported Pakistan
Case title: SA (political activist- internal location)
[2011] UKUT 33 Reported Pakistan
Case title: TR (CCOL cases)
[2011] UKUT 34 Reported India
Case title: KJ (working holiday maker - third party support)
[2010] UKUT 448 Reported Trinidad & Tobago
Case title: MJB (Inability to provide protection;JAM)
[2010] UKUT 481 Reported Pakistan
Case title: MM and SA (Pankina:near miss)
[2010] UKUT 478 Reported Nigeria
Case title: JO and others (foreign marriage- recognition)
[2010] UKUT 446 Reported Malawi
Case title: HM and others (PBS- legitimate expectation - paragraph 245ZX(I))
Displaying Decision 40711 - 40740 of 42100 in total (most recent first)