Displaying Decision 40861 - 40890 of 43114 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
AA/03703/2013 Unreported
IA/28736/2012 Unreported
VA/33121/2012 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 567 Reported Nepal
Case title: Ghising and others (Ghurkhas/BOCs: historic wrong; weight)
OA/14839/2012 Unreported
AA/01587/2011 Unreported
DA/00594/2013 Unreported
IA/01401/2013 Unreported
AA/03811/2012 Unreported
IA/01189/2013 Unreported
AA/05112/2013 Unreported
DA/00039/2013 Unreported
AA/02347/2013 Unreported
IA/08479/2013 Unreported
IA/22160/2012 Unreported
OA/18516/2012 Unreported
OA/18908/2012 Unreported
VA/32256/2012 Unreported
VA/34254/2012 Unreported
IA/05411/2013 Unreported
IA/27242/2012 Unreported
OA/15699/2012 & ors Unreported
[2013] UKUT 566 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of L) (by his litigation friend Andy Waite) v Westminster City Council (AAJR)
IA/23557/2012 Unreported
IA/28423/2012 Unreported
IA/04133/2013 Unreported
IA/04702/2013 Unreported
IA/06221/2013 Unreported
IA/26441/2012 Unreported
IA/02579/2013 & ors Unreported
Displaying Decision 40861 - 40890 of 43114 in total (most recent first)