Displaying Decision 41191 - 41220 of 42094 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2005] UKAIT 128 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: AC (Regularisation Period, Rights of appeal)
[2005] UKAIT 124 Reported Somalia
Case title: AC (Witness with refugee status, Effect)
[2005] UKAIT 121 Reported Serbia and Montenegro
Case title: GS (Article 8, Public interest not a fixity)
[2005] UKAIT 122 Reported China
Case title: LL (Falun Gong, Convention reason, Risk)
[2005] UKAIT 120 Reported Iran
Case title: HS (Homosexuals, Minors, Risk on return)
[2005] UKAIT 119 Reported Iran
Case title: AT (Homosexuals, need for discretion?)
[2005] UKAIT 150 Reported Somalia
Case title: DM (Majority clan can protect)
[2005] UKIAT 118 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: AB and DM (Risk categories reviewed, Tutsis added)
[2005] UKIAT 117 Reported Iran
Case title: RM and BB (Homosexuals)
[2005] UKAIT 115 Reported Iran
Case title: MM (Section 8: commencement)
[2005] UKAIT 116 Reported Iran
Case title: SM (Section 8: judge's process)
[2005] UKAIT 113 Reported Serbia and Montenegro
Case title: MG (Assessing interference with private life)
[2005] UKAIT 114 Reported Sudan
Case title: LM (Relocation, Khartoum, AE reaffirmed)
[2005] UKIAT 112 Reported United States of America
Case title: Moon (Human rights, Entry clearance, Proportionality)
[2005] UKIAT 111 Reported Iraq
Case title: SM, AH, SI (Kurds, Protection, Relocation)
[2005] UKAIT 142 Reported Romania
Case title: GC (Legitimate Expectation, Entry Clearance)
[2005] UKAIT 102 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: JT (Tutsi, Failed asylum seekers, Evidence)
[2005] UKIAT 109 Reported Iran
Case title: KF (Removal directions, Statelessness)
[2005] UKIAT 110 Reported Jamaica
Case title: CW (Deportation, Huang, Proportionality)
[2005] UKAIT 108 Reported Ghana
Case title: EA (Family visitor, Directions, Mistake of fact, Unfairness)
[2005] UKAIT 107 Reported Somalia
Case title: AM (Begedi, Members generally at risk)
[2005] UKIAT 106 Reported Eritrea
Case title: IN (Draft evaders, Evidence of risk)
[2005] UKIAT 103 Reported Jamaica
Case title: CM (Deportation, Article 8)
[2005] UKIAT 104 Reported Palestinian Territories
Case title: AA (Exclusion clause)
[2005] UKIAT 100 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: SM and Others (MDC, Internal flight, Risk categories)
[2005] UKIAT 99 Reported China
Case title: LJ (Prison conditions-no risk)
[2005] UKIAT 97 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: AN (Only loser can appeal)
[2005] UKAIT 101 Reported Sudan
Case title: AE (Relocation, Darfur, Khartoum an option)
[2005] UKIAT 96 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: ZN (Warlords, CIPU list not comprehensive)
[2005] UKIAT 93 Reported Serbia and Montenegro
Case title: XS (Adjudicator's conduct, Psychiatric report)
Displaying Decision 41191 - 41220 of 42094 in total (most recent first)