Displaying Decision 41191 - 41220 of 43114 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
VA165892012 & VA165902012 Unreported
IA100952008 Unreported
OA090662012 & ors Unreported
AA025742011 Unreported
DA008352012 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 343 Reported Malaysia
Case title: Wang (extension of time for appealing)
OA216012012 Unreported
AA/13378/2010 Unreported
AA009722013 Unreported
IA034852013 Unreported
OA155312012 & OA155332012 Unreported
OA205342011 & OA0205352011 Unreported
VA318602012 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 319 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: GJ and others (post-civil war: returnees)
AA003042013 Unreported
AA007662013 Unreported
AA017242012 Unreported
AA044542013 Unreported
AA080542012 Unreported
AA098862011 Unreported
DA010062012 Unreported
IA222742012 Unreported
OA215972012 Unreported
OA235202010 Unreported
VA254872012 Unreported
AA015392013 Unreported
AA010532013 Unreported
AA078932011 Unreported
AA080942010 Unreported
AA090562012 Unreported
Displaying Decision 41191 - 41220 of 43114 in total (most recent first)