Displaying Decision 43261 - 43290 of 43378 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2002] UKIAT 4334 Reported Nepal
Case title: LG (Maoist, Ex-military)
[2002] UKIAT 4230 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: IS (Risk, Conviction, Fine paid, Release)
[2002] UKIAT 4269 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: PR (Medical facilities)
[2002] UKIAT 4279 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: DA (Risk, Return, Reporting restrictions)
[2002] UKIAT 4284 Reported Nepal
Case title: DG (Journalist, Healthcare)
[2002] UKIAT 4232 Reported Algeria
Case title: RM (Military service, RCD-FIS)
[2002] UKIAT 4254 Reported Kosovo
Case title: BS (IFA, Mixed ethnicity)
[2002] UKIAT 4229 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Baig (Immigration, Validity of Pakistani divorce)
[2002] UKIAT 4154 Reported Turkey
Case title: YD (Risk, Fazilet)
[2002] UKIAT 4144 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: RB (Personal, Disability)
[2002] UKIAT 4138 Reported Kenya
Case title: WN (Risk, Kikuyu, Rift Valley, Documentary evidence)
[2002] UKIAT 4134 Reported China
Case title: MH (Risk, Return, Falun Gong)
[2002] UKIAT 4123 Reported Romania
Case title: LR (Roma, Remedies, Police brutality)
[2002] UKIAT 4084 Reported Somalia
Case title: MA (Risk, Jaaji Clan, Benadiri)
[2002] UKIAT 4020 Reported Ivory Coast
Case title: VG (Coup)
[2002] UKIAT 4045 Reported Angola
Case title: VG (Operational Guidance Note 2001)
[2002] UKIAT 4038 Reported Nepal
Case title: IP (Risk, Maoist)
[2002] UKIAT 3945 Reported Nepal
Case title: KH (Risk, Maoist)
[2002] UKIAT 3916 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: LM (MDC)
[2002] UKIAT 3905 Reported Sierra Leone
Case title: FH (HIV/AIDS, Medical facilities)
[2002] UKIAT 3837 Reported Nigeria
Case title: DJ (Muslim - Christian conflict, Medical evidence)
[2002] UKIAT 3796 Reported Russia/Russian Federation
Case title: OA (Internal Flight Alternative, Unduly harsh, Chechens)
[2002] UKIAT 3662 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: RN (Risk - Connections with Mobutu)
[2002] UKIAT 3683 Reported China
Case title: HL (Risk, Return, Snakeheads)
[2002] UKIAT 3608 Reported Iraq
Case title: DK (Sufficiency of protection, KAA, Blood feud)
[2002] UKIAT 3571 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: KB (Article 3, Health, Medical Facilities)
[2002] UKIAT 3576 Reported Iraq
Case title: TK (Article 3, Blind person, KAA, Prison condition)
[2002] UKIAT 3516 Reported Kosovo
Case title: FJ (Proportionality, Kosovo)
[2002] UKIAT 3528 Reported Turkey
Case title: MU (Documentation, Nufus Card)
[2002] UKIAT 3520 Reported Kosovo
Case title: AT (Medical facilities, PTSD)
Displaying Decision 43261 - 43290 of 43378 in total (most recent first)