Displaying Decision 43591 - 43616 of 43616 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2002] UKIAT 416 Reported Somalia
Case title: LS (Bajuni, Kibajuni speaker)
[2002] UKIAT 439 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Ahmed (Tanveer) (Documents Unreliable and forged)
[2002] UKIAT 266 Reported Somalia
Case title: Abdillahi (Appeal, Sections 69(3) 1999 Act, Notice of decision)
[2002] UKIAT 232 Reported Albania
Case title: Zeqaj (Removal Directions to Wrong Country)
[2002] UKIAT 159 Reported Lebanon
Case title: Eli-Ali (Palestinians: Article 1D)
[2001] UKIAT 10 Reported Nigeria
Case title: HK (Appeal, Section 65 1999 Act, Rights of others)
[2001] UKIAT 16 Reported Nigeria
Case title: EN (Proportionality appeal: assessment, not discretion)
[2001] UKIAT 4 Reported Lithuania
Case title: MF JF (Sufficiency of Protection, Anti-Semitic Acts, Anti-Russian Acts)
[2001] UKIAT 7 Reported Kenya
Case title: JMS (Homosexual behaviour, Prosecution)
[2001] UKIAT 17 Reported Iraq
Case title: AG (Asylum, KAA, Internal flight alternative)
[2001] UKIAT 3 Reported Kosovo
Case title: AB and SR (KLA, Deserters)
[2001] UKIAT 15 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: Hughes (Leave to Appeal, Time Limits)
[2001] UKIAT 14 Reported Iran
Case title: SJ (Removal directions)
[2001] UKIAT 13 Reported Latvia
Case title: AZ (Right of appeal, Certification)
[2001] UKIAT 12 Reported Malaysia
Case title: PC (EEA nationals, Spouses)
[2001] UKIAT 5 Reported Lithuania
Case title: LB (Sufficiency of protection, Communism)
[2002] UKIAT 702 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: Devaseelan (Second Appeals, ECHR, Extra-Territorial Effect)
[2001] UKIAT 2 Reported Cyprus
Case title: Dag (Nationality, Country of habitual residence, TRNC)
[2001] UKIAT 11 Reported Lebanon
Case title: Gremesty (Abandonment of appeal, Non-compliance with directions)
[2001] UKIAT 9 Reported Algeria
Case title: OS (Content of adjudicator determination)
[2001] UKIAT 8 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: Rajan (Related claimants: Kimbesa explained)
[2000] UKIAT 7 Reported Colombia
Case title: EG (Non-state actors: Acero-Garces disapproved)
[2000] UKIAT 5 Reported Kenya
Case title: MNM (Surendran guidelines for adjudicators)
[2000] UKIAT 6 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: SP (Pre-2000 Decision, Human Rights?)
[2000] UKIAT 3 Reported Turkey
Case title: YS & EB (Conscientious objection: Convention reason?)
[2000] UKIAT 8 Reported Algeria
Case title: AH (Paragraph 340 of HC 395, Cooperation)
Displaying Decision 43591 - 43616 of 43616 in total (most recent first)