Displaying Decision 4831 - 4860 of 42137 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
DA/00071/2019 Unreported
DC/00074/2019 Unreported
EA/04331/2019 Unreported
HU/09149/2019 Unreported
HU/20489/2019 Unreported
LP/00070/2021 Unreported
PA/02920/2020 Unreported
PA/03194/2020 Unreported
PA/03212/2019 Unreported
PA/03621/2020 Unreported
PA/05250/2019 Unreported
PA/07756/2019 Unreported
PA/10052/2019 Unreported
PA/11035/2019 Unreported
DC/00060/2020 Unreported
HU/08134/2020 Unreported
PA/01495/2019 Unreported
HU/00639/2021 Unreported
PA/03052/2020 Unreported
PA/03451/2020 Unreported
HU/03483/2020 Unreported
HU/20583/2019 Unreported
[2022] UKUT 00133 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Ashrafuzzaman) v Entry Clearance Officer (precedent fact, general grounds refusal)
DA/00136/2018 Unreported
HU/03744/2020 & Ors. Unreported
HU/16849/2019 Unreported
DA/00348/2019 Unreported
DA/00524/2019 Unreported
EA/06288/2019 & Ors. Unreported
EA/07048/2019 & EA/07049/2019 Unreported
Displaying Decision 4831 - 4860 of 42137 in total (most recent first)