Displaying Decision 8251 - 8280 of 42152 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
PA/06992/2019 Unreported
PA/12719/2018 Unreported
EA/00609/2019 Unreported
[2020] UKUT 124 Reported Tunisia
Case title: Ammari (EEA appeals - abandonment, )
EA/06860/2018 Unreported
PA/05758/2019 Unreported
JR/05283/2019 Unreported
DA/00089/2019 Unreported
HU/08668/2018 Unreported
HU/13311/2019 Unreported
HU/24725/2018 Unreported
PA/00148/2019 Unreported
PA/01478/2018 Unreported
PA/03824/2019 Unreported
PA/04352/2019 Unreported
PA/05767/2016 Unreported
PA/06452/2019 Unreported
PA/07634/2019 Unreported
PA/08177/2019 Unreported
PA/10305/2018 Unreported
PA/13577/2018 Unreported
RP/00125/2018 Unreported
[2020] UKUT 129 Reported Pakistan
Case title: Younas (section 117B (6) (b); Chikwamba; Zambrano)
DA/00389/2018 Unreported
EA/01280/2019 & EA/01281/2019 Unreported
HU/04522/2019 Unreported
HU/07333/2019 Unreported
HU/12933/2019 Unreported
PA/05744/2019 Unreported
PA/11589/2018 Unreported
Displaying Decision 8251 - 8280 of 42152 in total (most recent first)