Displaying Decision 8581 - 8610 of 42152 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
HU/03972/2018 Unreported
HU/18205/2018 Unreported
RP/00154/2018 Unreported
HU/25251/2016 Unreported
HU/02446/2019 Unreported
EA/06756/2018 Unreported
RP/00164/2018 Unreported
EA/04716/2017 Unreported
PA/13524/2018 Unreported
PA/08351/2019 Unreported
HU037162019 & HU037192019 Unreported
PA/07429/2019 Unreported
PA/08950/2019 Unreported
PA/12358/2016 Unreported
PA/05206/2019 Unreported
HU/02598/2019 Unreported
PA/05239/2019 Unreported
PA/06915/2019 Unreported
HU/06479/2019 & HU/03435/2019 Unreported
HU/24782/2018 Unreported
HU/22018/2018 Unreported
PA/00110/2019 Unreported
JR/03706/2019 Unreported
EA/01235/2019 Unreported
[2020] UKUT 82 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of Ellis) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (discretionary leave policy; supplementary reasons)
DA/00491/2018 Unreported
EA/05922/2018 Unreported
HU/08571/2019 Unreported
PA/03757/2019 Unreported
HU/01509/2017 Unreported
Displaying Decision 8581 - 8610 of 42152 in total (most recent first)