Displaying Decision 16051 - 16080 of 42732 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
HU/23765/2016 Unreported
HU/20738/2016 Unreported
HU/21804/2016 Unreported
PA/10051/2017 Unreported
RP/00162/2017 Unreported
IA/26873/2015 & IA/26875/2015 Unreported
PA/04567/2016 Unreported
PA/07123/2017 Unreported
PA/00976/2017 Unreported
PA/03116/2017 Unreported
PA/03485/2018 Unreported
PA/05844/2016 Unreported
PA/07351/2017 Unreported
PA/11348/2017 Unreported
PA/11678/2016 Unreported
PA/11615/2016 Unreported
[2018] UKUT 335 Reported Albania
Case title: ES (s82 NIA 2002, Negative NRM)
PA/07115/2017 Unreported
AA/06097/2015 Unreported
EA/01493/2018 Unreported
IA/18020/2015 & Ors. Unreported
PA/11982/2016 Unreported
DA/00574/2017 Unreported
PA/02823/2018 Unreported
PA/03182/2017 Unreported
PA/05119/2018 Unreported
PA/05459/2018 Unreported
PA/06424/2017 Unreported
EA/00582/2017 Unreported
EA/03555/2017 & EA/03563/2017 Unreported
Displaying Decision 16051 - 16080 of 42732 in total (most recent first)