Displaying Decision 1681 - 1710 of 42100 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
UI-2023-002852 Unreported
UI-2023-003199 Unreported
UI-2022-003035 Unreported
UI-2023-000263 Unreported
UI-2022-003054 Unreported
UI-2023-002631 Unreported
[2023] UKUT 00277 Reported Albania
Case title: Allaraj (EEA EFMs, admission, IO’s stamps)
UI-2022-003644 Unreported
UI-2022-005099 Unreported
UI-2022-003925 Unreported
UI-2022-004516 & UI-2022-004517 Unreported
UI-2022-006046 Unreported
UI-2023-002555 Unreported
UI-2023-003254 Unreported
UI-2023-001382 Unreported
UI-2023-002330 Unreported
UI-2023-002771 Unreported
UI-2023-003221 Unreported
UI-2023-003261 Unreported
UI-2023-003354 Unreported
UI-2022-003459 Unreported
UI-2022-005163 & UI-2022-005164 Unreported
UI-2022-003825 Unreported
UI-2023-001712 Unreported
UI-2022-006201 & Ors. Unreported
UI-2022-006529 Unreported
UI-2023-002683 Unreported
UI-2023-003029 Unreported
UI-2021-001176 Unreported
UI-2022-003970 Unreported
Displaying Decision 1681 - 1710 of 42100 in total (most recent first)