Displaying Decision 21601 - 21630 of 42723 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
HU/23942/2016 Unreported
IA/29566/2015 Unreported
PA/02026/2017 Unreported
IA/01415/2015 Unreported
IA/26214/2015 & IA/26216/2015 Unreported
IA/31665/2015 Unreported
IA/46537/2014 Unreported
HU/12144/2015 & Others Unreported
OA/09003/2015 Unreported
PA/04199/2015 Unreported
PA/12750/2016 Unreported
PA/01550/2017 Unreported
PA/04234/2017 Unreported
PA/00884/2017 Unreported
PA/05799/2016 Unreported
PA/12852/2016 Unreported
PA/14243/2016 Unreported
[2017] UKUT 408 Reported Bangladesh
Case title: Uddin (2000 Order – notice to file)
[2017] UKUT 372 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of AM and others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (liberty to apply – scope – discharging mandatory orders)
AA/10062/2015 Unreported
HU/10681/2015 Unreported
IA/23694/2015 Unreported
IA/27442/2015 Unreported
IA/29887/2015 Unreported
PA/01961/2016 Unreported
DA/00427/2016 Unreported
HU/03895/2015 & Ors. Unreported
EA/00018/2015 Unreported
EA/11296/2016 & EA/11300/2016 Unreported
HU/06301/2017 Unreported
Displaying Decision 21601 - 21630 of 42723 in total (most recent first)