Displaying Decision 22531 - 22560 of 42719 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
PA/05015/2016 Unreported
PA/10375/2016 Unreported
PA/01883/2017 Unreported
DA/00610/2016 Unreported
HU/02197/2017 Unreported
IA/24893/2015 Unreported
IA/11257/2015 Unreported
OA/07448/2015 Unreported
OA/07666/2015 Unreported
[2017] UKUT 331 Reported Not applicable
Case title: R (on the application of FT) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (“rolling review”; challenging leave granted)
DA/00127/2015 Unreported
IA/21522/2015 Unreported
AA/05290/2015 & Ors. Unreported
HU/00972/2015 Unreported
IA/23546/2015 Unreported
IA/35011/2015 & IA/35013/2015 Unreported
EA/09510/2016 Unreported
PA/01618/2016 Unreported
EA/10103/2016 Unreported
PA/09828/2016 Unreported
PA/10318/2016 Unreported
PA/12590/2016 Unreported
OA/02404/2013 & Ors. Unreported
PA/11508/2016 Unreported
PA/04878/2016 Unreported
PA/11194/2016 Unreported
JR/12123/2016 Unreported
JR/06138/2016 Unreported
JR/02967/2016 Unreported
JR/09850/2016 Unreported
Displaying Decision 22531 - 22560 of 42719 in total (most recent first)