Displaying Decision 28831 - 28860 of 42732 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
IA/13888/2015 Unreported
IA/46208/2014 Unreported
AA/07869/2015 Unreported
DC/00002/2015 Unreported
IA/02976/2014 Unreported
IA/49005/2014 Unreported
OA/00607/2015 Unreported
AA/11420/2014 Unreported
DA/00891/2014 Unreported
OA/09203/2014 Unreported
[2016] UKUT 186 Reported Vietnam
Case title: Chau Le (Immigration Rules - de minimis principle)
IA/02460/2015 Unreported
IA/02739/2015 Unreported
AA/05335/2015 Unreported
AA/05799/2015 Unreported
AA/07914/2014 Unreported
IA/02901/2015 Unreported
IA/03859/2015 Unreported
IA/07704/2015 Unreported
IA/11302/2015 Unreported
IA/13754/2014 Unreported
IA/20209/2014 Unreported
IA/20724/2014 Unreported
IA/26708/2014 Unreported
OA/21666/2013 Unreported
AA/01076/2015 & AA/01078/2015 Unreported
AA/02889/2015 Unreported
AA/06369/2015 Unreported
AA/10839/2014 Unreported
IA/04994/2015 Unreported
Displaying Decision 28831 - 28860 of 42732 in total (most recent first)