Displaying Decision 40711 - 40740 of 42833 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
IA019982013 Unreported
IA036532013 & IA036552013 Unreported
AA108102012 Unreported
IA023202013 Unreported
DA008382012 Unreported
IA163412012 Unreported
IA194022012 Unreported
AA011062013 Unreported
IA275552012 Unreported
DA002442013 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 382 Reported Algeria
Case title: AH (Article 1F(b) – ‘serious’)
IA264652011 Unreported
AA027492013 Unreported
AA030062013 Unreported
AA073282012 & AA073292012 & AA073322012 Unreported
IA051412013 Unreported
OA182662012 Unreported
AA075722012 Unreported
AA007972013 Unreported
OA093162012 Unreported
VA495112011 Unreported
AA006682013 Unreported
IA032192013 Unreported
IA216762012 Unreported
IA249112012 & ors Unreported
VA331352012 Unreported
IA129542012 & IA129572012 Unreported
OA084752012 Unreported
AA038242012 & AA038262012 Unreported
IA/15444/2011 Unreported
Displaying Decision 40711 - 40740 of 42833 in total (most recent first)