Displaying Decision 42361 - 42390 of 42665 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2003] UKIAT 65 Reported Burundi
Case title: N (Hutus, Article 3)
[2003] UKIAT 66 Reported Turkey
Case title: RY (HADEP, Risk on Return, Standard of Proof)
[2003] UKIAT 62 Reported Sierra Leone
Case title: MC (Adjudicator, Bias, Personal Knowledge)
[2003] UKIAT 63 Reported Eritrea
Case title: RA (Appeals procedure, Immigration and Asylum Act 1999)
[2003] UKIAT 61 Reported Turkey
Case title: HA (Remittal, Reading Previous Determination)
[2003] UKIAT 60 Reported Albania
Case title: DC (Article 3, Article 8)
[2003] UKIAT 58 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: NL (Mozu, Facts)
[2003] UKIAT 59 Reported Vietnam
Case title: HN (Minors, Article 8)
[2000] UKIAT 1 Reported Kosovo
Case title: FD (Protection, UNMIK, Arif, IFA, Article 1 D)
[2003] UKIAT 199 Reported Cameroon
Case title: P (Risk, Failed asylum seekers)
[2003] UKIAT 56 Reported Egypt
Case title: A (Christian, Persecution, Protection)
[2003] UKIAT 57 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: K (Risk, Sikh, Women)
[2003] UKIAT 91 Reported Eritrea
Case title: BG (Removal to Eriteria of Ethiopia/Eritrean)
[2003] UKIAT 55 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: BM (HIV, Article 8, Proportionality)
[2003] UKIAT 53 Reported Pakistan
Case title: DB (Dependent relative, Appeals procedure)
[2003] UKIAT 48 Reported Iraq
Case title: KH (Fair Trial, Surendran Guidelines)
[2003] UKIAT 54 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: G (Psychiatric/Psycological evidence only on abnormalities)
[2003] UKIAT 77 Reported Macedonia
Case title: N (RR, Ceasefire)
[2003] UKIAT 76 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: AL (Article 3, Kabul)
[2003] UKIAT 47 Reported Rwanda
Case title: AK (Appeal announced allowed but Reported dismissed)
[2003] UKIAT 78 Reported Algeria
Case title: OG (Article 8, Proportionality)
[2003] UKIAT 44 Reported Kenya
Case title: JK (Risk, Kikuyu)
[2003] UKIAT 43 Reported India
Case title: FS (Student ability to follow course)
[2003] UKIAT 42 Reported Mozambique
Case title: CM (Detention, Article 3)
[2003] UKIAT 41 Reported Kosovo
Case title: J (Article 8, Queue jumping, Visa applications, Neighbouring countries)
[2003] UKIAT 71 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: MM (Risk, Failed asylum seekers)
[2003] UKIAT 40 Reported Pakistan
Case title: AJ (Risk, Christian convert)
[2003] UKIAT 39 Reported Turkey
Case title: DO (Risk on return, Standard of Proof)
[2003] UKIAT 158 Reported Iran
Case title: SJ (Christian apostates, Evidence)
[2003] UKIAT 35 Reported Iran
Case title: SS (Risk, Manastry)
Displaying Decision 42361 - 42390 of 42665 in total (most recent first)