Displaying Decision 40051 - 40080 of 42100 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
AA039192012 Unreported
AA001632012 Unreported
DA009972012 Unreported
IA050132013 Unreported
IA019142013 Unreported
AA013272013 Unreported
OA084842012 & OA084852012 Unreported
OA195112010 & OA195152010 & OA195182010 Unreported
VA316322012 Unreported
IA193082012 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 400 Reported Nigeria
Case title: Akhalu (health claim: ECHR Article 8)
AA059072010 Unreported
IA026812013 Unreported
IA293052012 & IA293042012 Unreported
IA057302013 Unreported
OA137102012 Unreported
VA257992012 Unreported
IA255962012 & IA255972012 Unreported
AA005832013 Unreported
AA074952012 Unreported
DA011772012 Unreported
DA003852012 Unreported
IA001352010 Unreported
IA042112013 Unreported
IA262582012 & IA262622012 & IA262662012 Unreported
OA114272012 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 356 Reported Kuwait
Case title: NM (documented/undocumented Bidoon: risk)
AA007642013 Unreported
[2013] UKUT 381 Reported India
Case title: Kaur (Entry Clearance – date of application)
[2013] UKUT 380 Reported Iran
Case title: MA and SM (Zambrano: EU children outside EU)
Displaying Decision 40051 - 40080 of 42100 in total (most recent first)