Displaying Decision 41371 - 41400 of 42093 in total (most recent first)

Reference number Status Promulgation date Country
[2004] UKIAT 280 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: WK (Credibility, Hizb-i-Islami, Pashtuns, Kabul)
[2004] UKIAT 338 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: B (Risk on return, Country conditions)
[2004] UKIAT 278 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: RS (Hezbe Islami, Expert evidence)
[2004] UKIAT 277 Reported Nigeria
Case title: WO (Ogboni cult)
[2004] UKIAT 276 Reported Somalia
Case title: AM (Inability to make entry clearance application)
[2004] UKIAT 275 Reported Cameroon
Case title: CN (Internal flight alternate, Female minor)
[2004] UKIAT 274 Reported Romania
Case title: SS (Sufficiency of protection, Roma, Evidence)
[2004] UKIAT 337 Reported Democratic Republic of Congo
Case title: VK (Risk on return, Rwandan heritage)
[2004] UKIAT 273 Reported Iraq
Case title: AR (Articles 2 and 3, Removals policy)
[2004] UKIAT 272 Reported Somalia
Case title: SH (Rahanweyn not a minority clan)
[2004] UKIAT 317 Reported Iran
Case title: JG (Al-Hagh, Fresh evidence at hearing)
[2004] UKIAT 271 Reported Somalia
Case title: KS (Minority clans, Bajuni, Ability to speak Kibajuni)
[2004] UKIAT 269 Reported Croatia
Case title: AP (Roma)
[2004] UKIAT 270 Reported Somalia
Case title: AN (Tunni Torre)
[2004] UKIAT 268 Reported Jamaica
Case title: KK (Under 12 Policy, in country implications)
[2004] UKIAT 267 Reported Vietnam
Case title: VP (Palliative AIDS treatment, Return permissible)
[2004] UKIAT 266 Reported Kenya
Case title: JA (Mungiki - not a religion)
[2004] UKIAT 265 Reported Sri Lanka
Case title: SJ (Issue of risk of suicide in UK and country of origin)
[2004] UKIAT 264 Reported Iran
Case title: GY (Refusal to allow cross-examination)
[2004] UKIAT 263 Reported Iraq
Case title: AM (IWCP, Conditions in Mosul)
[2004] UKIAT 262 Reported Rwanda
Case title: UK (Use of N Judgment as a benchmark in ill-health cases)
[2004] UKIAT 260 Reported Sudan
Case title: AB (Return of Southern Sudanese)
[2004] UKIAT 259 Reported Zimbabwe
Case title: JD (Homosexual, MDC supporter, Internal relocation)
[2004] UKIAT 261 Reported Jamaica
Case title: IM (Overstayers, ILR, Legitimate expectation)
[2004] UKIAT 258 Reported Afghanistan
Case title: KK (Evidence, Late filing, Proper notice)
[2004] UKIAT 256 Reported Kuwait
Case title: BA and others (Bedoon, Statelessness, Risk of persecution)
[2004] UKIAT 255 Reported Serbia and Montenegro
Case title: PG (Article 8, Child, Contact)
[2004] UKIAT 254 Reported Iraq
Case title: OH (Risk, Ba'athist father)
[2004] UKIAT 253 Reported China
Case title: WC (No risk of double punishment)
[2004] UKIAT 257 Reported Syria
Case title: RS (Failed asylum seekers)
Displaying Decision 41371 - 41400 of 42093 in total (most recent first)